Jinx's Blog

Snow in Spell Work

Posted by Sarah Zellner on

Using Snow in Spellwork Think about, just for starters, some of snow's physical characteristics. The most obvious one is that it's cold. It's also white. Sometimes it's light and powdery, other times it may be heavy and wet. How can you incorporate these into your magical workings? If you're a fan of candles, gather some ice from outdoors and make ice candles-they're are a lot of fun and easy to make during the winter months.  Build a snowman and use him — or her — as a very large magical poppet. Assign a snowman, or a whole group of snowmen, the...

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My Favorite First of the Month Rituals

Posted by Sarah Zellner on

Wow, it's already February 1st! The new moon is today AND Imbolc, which I think is a great time to talk about cycles. No matter who you are, everyone has cycles and rituals in their lives. While that might be a solid bedtime routine, a proven gym workout, or that every Tuesday lunch- rituals, routines and cycles are a normal, everyday thing. But what happens when you add intention to those cycles? The concept of "intention setting" might sound woo-woo or like something you'd only do at the beginning of a yoga class, but it's foundational to anyone with goals...

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